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Silver & Gold Pyramids (DE)

€2,99 ·
jonathan.cuiper's avatar
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Lid sinds 2019

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Spel is momenteel alleen in het Duits te verkrijgen en op BGG zijn vreemd genoeg nog geen andere versies aangekondigd.
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BoardGameGeek: 7.6
Dice Tower Review

In Silver & Gold Pyramids, you want to explore as many pyramids as possible and locate the tomb within each one.

To start play, each player takes four pyramid cards, then keeps two of them face up in front of themselves. Shuffle the eight exploration cards, each of which shows a different polyomino.

On a turn, reveal the topmost exploration card. Each player then marks off spaces in the shape of this polyomino on one of their pyramid cards. The first space covered on a card must be the entrance square. If you cover gems, torches, or skulls, mark off these spaces on your personal player board; if you cover a potion, erase two covered skulls. If you cover a red X, mark one additional space, either on this pyramid board or your other one; all marked spaces must connect orthogonally.

If you cover the tomb on a pyramid board, set that board aside and take a new board from the four on display or from the deck. When you've completed your second, fourth, or sixth pyramid of the same color — and the deck includes three colors — score the highest color bonus available.

After seven exploration cards have been revealed, the round is over. Shuffle all eight cards, then start a new round. After four rounds, players count their scores, earning 10 points per tomb reached, 5 points per pair of colored gems found, 5 points for each round in which they covered at least one torch, and their color bonuses, after which they lose points based on the number of skulls covered. Whoever has the highest score wins.
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's avatar
  1. Bargainian's avatar
    He grappig, wist niet dat deze bestond. Zo te zien nog iets beter beoordeeld dan 'gewoon' Silver & Gold (met een 7,2).
    jonathan.cuiper's avatar
    Ja, hij lijkt me erg leuk! Maar heel vreemd dat ie nog nergens is opgepikt door andere uitgevers. Zie alleen een Franse voorbij komen van een onbekende partij. Had hem op Essen zien liggen, maar wilde wachten op de NL of ENG versie. Maar gezien de regels zo simpel zijn nu toch maar deze gehaald. En daarna uiteraard gedeeld, want het is een mooie prijs
  2. Nin's avatar
    Hé tof! Deze kende ik ook nog niet. Silver & Gold is een leuk spelletje voor tussendoor, mijn interesse is gewekt.
    jonathan.cuiper's avatar
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